Isabel Hoving

Isabel Hoving is affiliated as an associate professor to the Institute for Cultural Studies of Leiden University, the Netherlands, where she teaches courses on interculturality, gender, and sexuality. She obtained a PhD from Amsterdam University in 1995 with a dissertation on the multi-voiced literatures Caribbean migrant women (The Castration of Livingstone and Other Stories: Reading African and Caribbean Migrant Women's Writing). Her work aims at relating critically to postcolonial literary theory and the theories of migration and globalization. She has published on these issues in national and international journals such as Arcadia, Thamyris and Transit, in addition to numerous book chapters in Dutch and English edited volumes. Her books include In Praise of New Travellers (Stanford University Press. 2001) and member of the editorial team of Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, sex and race, and Ecozon@, Journal for European Literature, Culture and Environment. Isabel Hoving is also a highly acclaimed and widely author of novels for children and adolescents, nationally and internationally, i.e. De gevleugelde kat (2002) (The Dream Merchant, 2002), Het boek van vuur 1: Het verbond van de bliksems (2009) and Het boek van vuur 2: De vulkaan van Wageningen (2010). 

Last modified onThursday, 12 September 2013 16:18
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Lies Wesseling

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